Thursday, February 10, 2011

So you may be thinking

You are probably thinking this blog is all about ruffs, and that I have forgotten all about Trixie's and Jo Jo's coats. Well I haven't my petulant darlings, there is much more to come in those departments. It is just I have been pretty focused on an exhibition idea, but more to come on that later. Something else that has taken my time is the creation of a range of textile jewellery. I have been playing with some ideas, so tell me what you think?

This is called Hannah's ruff, I don't really know why. It is made with a fine cotton lace sewn onto a figured cotton voile, crisp and sheer.

I was trying to get a ruff that looked like the one worn by Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, in this 16th C portrait. I really like the look of his wrist ruffs, aren't they gorgeous?

I followed the technique shown above from: A History of Fashion, by J. Anderson Black and Madge Garland.

So this is up to the first stage, before the pleats are joined as shown above. The pink taffeta looks gorgeous against the voile with its delicate floral print don't you think?

So I will be posting again soon, gotta start thinking about the coats again, get my mind off death and hospitals, needles and pain.


  1. the ruffs in the paintings look more full at the ends which makes their construction less obvious. How come your ruffs don't connect at the top and bottom like the ones in the paintings?

    Very nice though as always ;P That lace looks wonderful

  2. Its not finished yet, don't worry it will. I have just about finished it, but haven't got a camera at home.
